Frequently Asked Question

How to interface with Metronik BL-6
Last Updated 3 years ago

PhysioFlow software 2.8.0 and later is compatible with Metronik BL-6. For this you need to connect the Metronik BL-6 to the computer running the PhysioFlow software using an RS-232 cable, and a USB/Serial converter if the computer does not have a serial port.

Metronik BL-6 configuration

  1. Press 3x MENU --> "Settings"- Menu
  2. Press 5x Arrow up -->"Protocol"
  3. Press 1x MENU to enter item "Protocol"
  4. First selected item is "USB-interface"
  5. Press 1x MENU --> enter (the background marking disappears)
  6. Press 2x Arrow up --> "ST-9600b"
  7. Press 1x MENU for confirming.

Starting a Measurement

  1. Start the Physioflow software
  2. If the Metronik BL-6 is properly detected, it is displayed in the "Detected devices" list, as a Suntech Tango.image
  3. Click on the "Start monitoring" button on the PhysioFlow Device (Enduro/QLink)
  4. When asked if you want to use the tango for this measurement, answer "yes"image

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