Frequently Asked Question

How to customize the measurement report
Last Updated 5 years ago

Starting with PhysioFlow software 2.8.4, new possibilities for measurement report customization are available:
  1. an "Organization" field which can contain a fix text with formatting. It is printed on top of the first page of the report only. It is saved automatically when modified
  2. a "Header" field which is printed on top of all pages. It can be formatted. It is saved automatically when modified. The default value is:
    [LastName] [FirstName] Sex: [Sex] Age: [Age] years Height: [Height] cm Weight: [Weight] kg Measurement date: [MeasurementDate]
    Special words between brackets are automatically replaced by patient information when the report is generated.
  3. Also, a "digital signature" can be written after the calibration results, by selecting the user identifier in the "digital signature" field, and entering the user's password. More information on how to manage signature can be found at

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