Frequently Asked Question

How to activate a PhysioFlow License
Last Updated 5 years ago

  1. start the physioflow software
  2. click on "Manage License Keys"
  3. click "Enter License Key"
  4. Enter the license key. It can be found on the delivery note, and starts with a capital L. Click Ok
  5. The License Key is now listed. Click "Request Activation Code"
  6. send to the physioflow support ( or the computer ID displayed, starting with a capital C, along with the License Key which can be found on the delivery note, and starts with a capital L. PhysioFlow support will send you an Activation Code starting with a capital A.image
  7. Click on "Activate"
  8. Enter the activation code starting with a capital A. and click OK
  9. The license is successfully activated on the computer
  10. The activation code is displayed in the "Activation" column, and replaces the "Activate button"
  11. Close the license manager window
Your physioflow license is now activated, and you can started using associated feature(s).

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