Frequently Asked Question

How do I backup and restore my database ?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Backup software data base

Availability: on the software home screen.


It is strongly recommended to back up the database regularly to prevent any data loss in case of PC crash or hard drive failure. The backup should be stored in an external drive when possible.

User may also select a specific directory for PhysioFlow® backup as the backup files have no extension it may be difficult to find those files if mixed with other type of file.

First step is to select the directory to store the backup file


Backup process progress: according to data base size this procedure can take some time so the the software display an estimation of the remaining time to the end of the procedure in addition to the percentage of advancement


Success message at the end of the procedure


Restore software data base

Availability: on the software home screen.


It allows restoring software data base from previous backup.


All the measurements recorded between the date of the backup and the date of the restore will be irremediably lost.
First step is to select the file containing a backup created with the aforementioned procedure "Back up software database"


Restore process progress: according to data base size this procedure can take some time so the the software display an estimation of the remaining time to the end of the procedure in addition to the percentage of advancement.


Success message at the end of the procedure.


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